Monarch butterfly report
Have you ever seen or heard about a butterfly, and what butterflies colours are? wow if you don't keep reading I hope you know everything you want to know. Butterflies have a lot more to them than you think, so keep reading and enjoy my report.
Life cycle
Butterflies have four steps to become a Butterfly it starts by being an egg the egg takes 3 to 12 days to hatch. Than comes the caterpillar, the caterpillar takes about 2 weeks to turn into a chrysalis. Butterflies also live up to 6 weeks.
There wings are 10cm long and 8.9 wide. There wings take hours and hours to dry after being in the chrysalis for that long. There wing colour is white orange and black
Butterflies live on nectar and water, that's all they really eat and drink. Also monarch butterflies are poisonous to many insects this is because of what they eat for an example when they eat swan plants it puts a tiny bit of good poison into them, so that is why they are poisons to many creatures.
Loads of butterflies live all over NZ, because it is a very warm environment. Butterflies enjoy hot places so they can develop a family and that means that its important that the eggs are kept warm.
By Tessa.